Thursday, July 24, 2014


I have a weakness and it is patterns. If Joann's is having a sale, I go in and buy 10 patterns (or more) at a time. This means that I have a rolling pattern cabinet to rival the fabric store and the fabric to go with it. Btw, if you want a really cool cabinet, check out the Habitat for Humanity Store in south Seattle. They had the best prices.

Starting this week, I'm embarking on a quest to sew at least one pattern a week. That means finding the time, cleaning up my work area, and actually doing it. I'm kinda looking forward to it.

One thing that sewing has taught me over the last few years is that:

  1. I really like to do it. Each pattern is like a puzzle that I'm putting together. It may look really weird for a while, but in the end it comes out pretty neat.
  2. Technique is important. I like to get "it" done, otherwise it may go into the craft closet of no return. Sometimes I short-cut and the garment never looks quite right. I have learned to take my time, even if that means ripping out a seam (more than once).
  3. Sewing for others can be more satisfying than sewing for yourself. I find I spend more time getting the details right if it's more someone else. I also like the reaction of the receiver. There is nothing better than a handmade gift from the heart (oh, my. so corny!)
  4. Sergers rock! If you are a sewer and don't have one, save up. I was lucky and got mine as a gift and I LOVE IT! There is nothing like the finishing touches that a serger adds. Keeps all those pesky wovens from fraying everywhere! 

My goal is to improve my skills, one pattern at a time. If in the end I have 52 new things, I'll be pretty stoked. There may be some new tips along the way or some longer term projects that get mixed in (like the quilt I started a year ago). The majority of things that will get done will be from my collected patterns, but I'm open to requests, if there is anyone so brave to want something handmade by me.

Now, on to the hard part.

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